Zausmer’s Annual Commitment to Operation Good Cheer

In the spirit of the holiday season, Zausmer proudly continues its 15-year tradition of supporting Operation Good Cheer, a remarkable holiday gift-giving program for children in foster care, residential treatment, and group homes.

Since 2008, Zausmer has been a dedicated participant in Operation Good Cheer. Our involvement has grown stronger with each passing year. This year, we sent gifts to 126 children, many of whom received Christmas presents for the first time.

Since its humble beginnings in 1971, when it started with just 66 children, Operation Good Cheer has grown into a cherished holiday tradition that has touched the lives of more than 50,000 individuals. The children who participate in Operation Good Cheer are some of the most vulnerable youth in Michigan. Many of them have been removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect, and abandonment. This dramatic shift can be overwhelming, so Operation Good Cheer steps in to provide hope and faith for these children.

Throughout the month of November, our team at Zausmer shopped and wrapped. Then, on December 1, we loaded 378 gift boxes and bikes onto a truck bound for children in need. Through our partnership with Operation Good Cheer, we sent holiday gifts to 126 children in 2023.

Zausmer’s ongoing involvement in Operation Good Cheer reflects our firm’s commitment to  make a positive difference in the world. We hope that every carefully packed gift serves as a beacon of hope and joy. We remain dedicated to spreading holiday cheer for many more years, ensuring that the spirit of giving and compassion continues to brighten the lives of Michigan’s foster children.


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