Operation Good Cheer!

With the holiday season upon us, Zausmer brought good cheer for one of our favorite causes – Child & Family Services of Michigan’s “Operation Good Cheer.”

Operation Good Cheer is an annual all-volunteer Christmas gift-giving program for abused and neglected children who are currently living in placement facilities in Michigan.

The organization sends us profiles of children with personal information and a small wish list of items each child would like to receive.

Those participating select a profile of a child they’d like to sponsor. Gifts are then purchased, wrapped, and loaded onto a huge truck sent by Operation Good Cheer.  Zausmer has supported this charity for nine years, and each year, the number of sponsored children has increased. This year, 174 children were sponsored, with over 500 wrapped gifts ensuring a magical and memorable Christmas for each of them!

Reflecting on the firm’s efforts this year, Kathy Collings, a Zausmer staff member and chairperson of this event, said that the “enormous generosity of all those who participated” helped make “each and every child feel so very special by providing them a memorable and wonderful Merry Christmas.”

We invite you to read about the Operation Good Cheer program and learn how you can make life a little brighter for a child over the holiday season.


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